We hope that you have found all the information on our site for your perfect holiday. If you have any other questions, ideas or special wishes, please fill in the contact form or send an email. If you have not received a reply? Please check if our message has been delivered in your spam box.
E contact@casalacalera.com
T +31 6 51 19 19 96
Visiting address: Casa La Calera, Zona Cementerio s/n, 29327 Teba, Málaga, Spain
Postal address: Casa La Calera, Zona Cementerio s/n, Huertas y Montes, Diseminado 86, 29327 Teba, Málaga, Spanje
Casa La Calera is officially registrated as Casa Rural at the Junta de Andalucia
Málaga airport is situated 50 minutes from Casa La Calera. In order to fully enjoy everything that beautiful Andalusia has to offer, we advise you to rent a car. Around Malaga airport you will find a number of car rental companies, such as Sunnycars, Malagacar or Helle Hollis. If you want to explore Andalusia by motorcycle, we advise you to rent your motorcycle at Motohire Spain. This motorcycle shop is just around the corner from us, and they also organize tours and upon request, the motorcycle can be delivered to Casa La Calera.
The villa is located on a paved road and is very easy to reach by searching in Google Maps for Casa La Calera Teba. The route leads you to the villa in the fastest way, so you can start to enjoy your wonderful holiday.